Termites are every homeowner’s worst nightmare. They’re destructive, costly, and difficult to detect for most homeowners until serious damage occurs. So, how do you know whether you have a termite problem? Here are some signs to look out for in your home.

Wood Damage

Perhaps one of the most obvious signs of termites is damage to wood surfaces in your home. Termites will typically chew through wood starting with the inside and moving outward. If you tap on wood in your home and it sounds hollow, that’s an indication that termites may have eaten the inside.

Similarly, blistering wood can be a sign of termites. If there’s any unexplained wood damage in your home, you should schedule an inspection immediately.

Dropped Wings

Young termites shed their wings as they age and after they find a place for their new colony. If you notice a pile of discarded wings, especially near a window or doorway, that can be a sign that termites are in your home.

Termite Droppings

Like other pests, termites leave behind droppings that can help notify you of their presence in your home. Termites that chew through drywall will often discard small pellets. Their excrement may resemble sawdust or coffee grounds.

Termite Swarmers

Occasionally, you’ll be able to see termite swarms outside your home in the spring or fall during their mating season. Seeing one of these swarms is a strong sign that you may have a termite problem. Even if they’re not already in your home, be forewarned because they may be looking to form a colony in or around it.

Mud Tubes

Subterranean termites sometimes create tunnels, called mud tubes, between the ground and your home. The mud tubes are made of wood and dirt and are used to protect the termites. If you notice strange, small tubes that look like they’re made of mud, you likely have termites in your home.


It may sound obvious but finding even a single termite (dead or alive) is a sign you might have a more widespread termite infestation in your home. Termites generally won’t be in plain sight. They hide in walls and floors but may sometimes be visible coming or going. If you see one, assume that there are more.

One thing to be aware of is that termites and flying ants can have similar appearances. Whenever you’re not sure which you’re looking at, take note of whether the insect is white. There are no white ants so if it’s white, it’s a termite.

Schedule A Termite Inspection

A possible termite infestation isn’t something you should mess around with. Termite problems that are left unaddressed by homeowners can cause thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in structural damage. Taking proactive steps toward termite control is the way to go. If you think you may have termites or want the peace of mind that you don’t, call 513-218-2695 or book your appointment online at HighTek Home Inspections today! For more tips and our latest updates, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, SPECTORA or Instagram.